



作        者 傑克森 Allyn Jackson

作者簡介 傑克森現任美國數學學會會訊Notices 的副主編與總主筆,加州大學柏克萊分校數學碩士。她覺得能結合數學和寫作兩個非常不同的領域,面對各種數學課題和數學人物,收穫很大。

譯        者 翁秉仁

譯者簡介 翁秉仁為台大數學系副教授,《數學知識網站》負責人,與趙學信合譯《數學:確定性的失落》(商務)、《丘成桐談空間的內在形狀》(遠流)。

譯者附記    譯者感謝李宣北、趙學信提供許多譯文的寶貴意見。

本文出處    Notices 51 (2004) no. 10 AMS.



[Circle] The Grothendieck Circle, http://www.grothendieck-circle.org.

[Corr] Correspondence Grothendieck-Serre. Societe Mathematique de France, 2001. (Bilingual French-English edition, AMS, 2003.)

[Deriv] Les Derivateurs, by Alexandre Grothendieck, edited by M. Kunzer, J. Malgoire, and G. Maltsiniotis. Available at http://www.math.jussieu.fr/~maltsin/groth/Derivateurs.html.

[Aubin] D. AUBIN, A Cultural History of Catastrophes and Chaos: Around the Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques,” France, doctoral thesis, Princeton University, 1998.

[Festschrift] The Grothendieck Festschrift: A Collection of Articles Written in Honor of the 60th Birthday of Alexander Grothendieck, Volumes IIII (P. Cartier, L. Illusie, N. M. Katz, G. Laumon, Y. Manin, and K. A. Ribet, eds.), Progress in Mathematics, vol. 87, Birkhauser Boston, Inc., Boston, MA, 1990.

[Herreman] A. HERREMAN, Decouvrir et transmettre: La dimension collective des mathematiques dans Recoltes et Semailles dAlexandre Grothendieck, Prepublications de lIHES, 2000. Available at http://name.math.univ-rennes1.fr/alain.herreman/.

[Infeld] L. INFELD, Whom the Gods Love. The Story of Evariste Galois, Whittlesey House, New York, 1948.

[Intell] English translation of Grothendiecks letter declining the 1988 Crafoord Prize, Math. Intelligencer 11 (1989).

[Ladegaillerie] Y. LADEGAILLERIE, Alexandre Grothendieck apres 1970. Personal communication.

[LeMonde] Lettre a lAcademie Royale des Sciences de Suede: Le mathematicien francais Alexandre Grothendieck refuse le prix Crafoord, Le Monde, May 4, 1988.

[Marche] A. GROTHENDIECK, La Longue Marche a Travers la Theorie de Galois, volume 1, edited and with a foreword by Jean Malgoire, Universite Montpellier II, Departement des Sciences Mathematiques, 1995.

[Notices] Crafoord Prize recipients named, Notices Amer. Math. Soc. (July/August 1988), 811812.

[R&S] A. GROTHENDIECK, Recoltes et Semailles: Reflexions et temoignages sur un passe de mathematicien, Universite des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, Montpellier, et Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1986. (Parts available in the original French at http:// mapage.noos.fr/recoltesetsemailles/. Partial translations are available in English at http://www.fermentmagazine.org/home5.html, in Russian at http://elenakosilova.narod.ru/studia/groth.htm, and in Spanish at http://kolmogorov.unex.es/navarro/res.)

[Rankin] R. A. RANKIN, Contributions to the theory of Ramanujans function τ(n) and similar arithmetical functions. I. The zeros of the function _n=1τ(n)/ns on theline Rs = 13/2. II. The order of the Fourier coefficients of integral modular forms, Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 35 (1939), 351372.

[Schneps1] The Grothendieck Theory of Dessins dEnfants (L. Schneps, ed.), London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., vol. 200, Cambridge University Press, 1994.

[Schneps2] Geometric Galois Actions (L. Schneps and P. Lochak, eds.), London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., vols. 242 and 243, Cambridge University Press, 1997.

[Vietnam] A. GROTHENDIECK, La vie mathematique en Republique Democratique du Vietnam, text of a lecture presented in Paris on December 20, 1967. Unpublished.