

2014 年京都獎得主韋頓訪談


訪    談    者 大栗博司、戶田幸伸、山崎雅人

受訪者簡介 愛德華.韋頓(Edward Witten)是美國理論物理學家,現任職於普林斯頓高等研究院,專長領域為弦論、量子重力,超對稱量子場論。韋頓在研究所之前曾修歷史、語言學、經濟, 並短暫參與政治,最後進入普林斯頓大學應用數學所,最後取得物理學博士。他是弦論發展的主要領導人,啟動弦論第二次革命,被譽為愛因斯坦的真正接班人。 1990 年,韋頓獲頒數學大獎費爾茲獎,迄今仍是唯一位物理學家得主。

譯        者 翁秉仁

譯者簡介 翁秉仁為臺大數學系副教授。

審定簡介    賀培銘為臺大物理系特聘教授,專長為數學物理與弦論。

本文出處    2014 年11 月,因韋頓獲得2014 年基礎科學京都獎而進行此次訪談。本文發表於Kavli IPMU《所訊》(2014 年12 月),並節譯分上下兩期發表於日本數學普及雜誌《数学セミナー》(2015 年4月與5 月),經受訪人略做修整後亦發表於《美國數學學會會訊》(2015 年5 月)。本刊感謝Kavli IPMU、大栗博司、韋頓同意轉載翻譯,本譯稿依受訪人要求,使用《美國數學學會會訊》的版本翻譯。

Aspinwall, Paul "Enhanced Gauge Symmetries and K3 Surfaces", Physics Letters B357 (1995); arXiv:hep-th/9507012.
A    Aspinwall, Paul "Enhanced Gauge Symmetries and K3 Surfaces", Physics Letters B357 (1995); arXiv:hep-th/9507012.    15    A   
BCFM    Bousso, Raphael; Casini, Horacio; Fisher, Zachary; Maldacena, Juan "Proof of a Quantum Bousso Bound" Phys. Rev. D90 (2014) ; arXiv:hep-th/1404.5635    27    BCFM   
CJS    Callan, Curtis; Harvey, Jeffrey; Strominger, Andrew "World-Sheet Approach To Heterotic Instantons And Solitons", Nuclear Physics B359 (1991)    8    CJS   
Ca    Casini, Horacio "Relative entropy and the Bekenstein bound",  Class. Quant. Grav. 25 (2008);arXiv:hep-th/0804.2182     26    Ca   
Co    Costello, Kevin J. "A geometric construction of the Witten genus, I", Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians Hyderabad, India (2010); arXiv:math.QA/1006.5422    1    Co   
DeW    Dedushenko, Mykola; Witten, Edward "Some Details On The Gopakumar-Vafa and Ooguri-Vafa Formulas" (2014); arXiv:hep-th/1411.7108    33    DeW   
DHVW    Dixon, Lance; Harvey, Jeff; Vafa, Cumrun; Witten, Edward  "Strings on orbifolds", Nuclear Physics B261 (1985)    13    DHVW   
DoW    Donagi, Ron; Witten, Edward "Super Atiyah classes and obstructions to splitting of supermoduli space" (2014)  arXiv:hep-th/1404.6257    34    DoW   
DK    Duff, Mike; Khuri, Ramzi "Four-dimensional string/string duality", Nuclear Physics B411 (1994) ; arXiv:hep-th/9305142    19    DK   
DMW    Duff, Mike; Minasian, Ruben; Witten, Edward "Evidence for Heterotic/Heterotic Duality", Nuclear Physics B465 (1996); arXiv:hep-th/9601036    20    DMW   
GW    Gaiotto, Davide; Witten, Wdward "S-Duality of Boundary Conditions In N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory", Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 13 (2009) ; arXiv:hep-th/0807.3720    29    GW   
G    Green, Michael "World-Volumes and String Target Spaces", Progress of Physics 44 (1996);arXiv:hep-th/9602061    18    G   
GS    Green, Michael; Schwarz, John "Anomaly cancellations in supersymmetric D = 10 gauge theory and superstring theory", Physics Letters B149 (1984)    10    GS   
Gse    Green, Michael; Sethi, Savdeep "Supersymmetry Constraints on Type IIB Supergravity" Phys. Rev. D59 (1999) ;arXiv:hep-th/9808061           
GSV    Gukov, Sergei; Schwarz, Albert; Vafa, Cumrun "Khovanov-Rozansky Homology and Topological Strings", Lett. Math. Phys. 74 (2005);arXiv:hep-th/0412243           
HW    Hanany, Amihay; Witten, Edward "Type IIB Superstrings, BPS Monopoles, And Three-Dimensional Gauge Dynamics", Nuclear Physics B492 (1997); arXiv:hep-th/9611230    22    AW   
HT    Hull, Chris;  Townsend, Paul "Unity Of Superstring Dualities", Nuclear Physics B438 (1995) ;arXiv:hep-th/9410167    11    HT   
KW    Kapustin, Anton; Witten, Edward "Electric-magnetic duality and the geometric Langlands program", Communications in Number Theory and Physics 1  (2007); arXiv:hep-th/0604151    28    KW   
M    Maldacena, Juan "The Large N Limit of Superconformal Field Theories and Supergravity", Adv. Theor. Math. Phys 2  (1998); arXiv:hep-th/9711200    24    M   
MW    Mazzeo, Rafe; Witten, Edward "The Nahm Pole Boundary Condition" (2013); arXiv:math.DG/1311.3167     32    MW   
MO    Montonen, Claus; Olive, David "Magnetic monopoles as gauge particles?", Physics Letters B72 (1977) 117    6    MO   
OW    Olive, David & Witten, Edward "Supersymmetry algebras that include topological charges", Physics Letters B78 (1978)    7    OW   
P    Polchinski, Joe  "Dirichlet-branes and Ramond–Ramond charges", Physical Review Letters 75 (1995) ;arXiv:hep-th/9510017    16    P   
RW    Rozansky, Lev; Witten, Edward "Hyper-Kahler Geometry and Invariants of Three-Manifolds", Selecta Mathematica 3 (1997) 3; arXiv:hep-th/9612216    21    RW   
RT    Ryu, Shinsei; Takayanagi, Tadashi "Holographic Derivation of Entanglement Entropy from AdS/CFT",  Physical Review Letters 96 (2006); arXiv:hep-th/0603001    25    RT   
SS    Schwarz, John H.; Sen, Ashoke "Duality Symmetries of 4D Heterotic Strings", Nuclear Physics 312 (1993); arXiv:hep-th/9305185    4    JS   
SW94    Seiberg, Nathan; Witten, Edward "Monopoles, Duality, And Chiral Symmetry Breaking In N = 2 Supersymmetric QCD", Nuclear Physics B431 (1994); arXiv:hep-th/9408099    3    SW94   
SW96    Seiberg, Nathan; Witten, Edward "Gauge dynamics and compactification to three dimensions", (1996), arXiv:hep-th/9607163.    23    SW96   
Se    Sen, Ashoke  "Dyon - monopole bound states, selfdual harmonic forms on the multi - monopole moduli space, and SL(2,Z) invariance in string theory", Physics Letters B329 (1994); arXiv:hep-th/9402032.    5    Se   
St    Strominger, Andrew "Massless black holes and conifolds in string theory",  Nuclear Physics B451 (1995); arXiv:hep-th/9504090    14    St   
VW    Vafa, Cumrun; Witten,  Edward "A strong coupling test of S-duality", Nuclear Physics B431 (1994); arXiv:hep-th/9408074    2    VW   
W89    "Witten, Edward “Quantum field theory and the Jones polynomial”
Comm. Math. Phys. 121 (1989) 3 ."           
W95    Witten, Edward  "String theory dynamics in various dimensions", Nuclear Physics B443  (1995); arXiv:hep-th/9503124.     12    W95    M─theory
W96    Witten, Edward "Bound states of strings and p-branes",  Nuclear Physics B460 (1996); arXiv:hep-th/9510135    17    W96   
W10    Witten, Edward "Geometric Langlands duality and the equations of Nahm and Bogomolny", Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 140A (2010); arXiv:hep-th/(math.RT/)0905.4795    30    W10   
W12    Witten, Edward  "Khovanov homology and gauge theory" Geometry & Topology Monographs 18 (2012);arXiv:math.GT/1108.3103    31    W12   

Aspinwall, Paul "Enhanced Gauge Symmetries and K3 Surfaces", Physics Letters B357 (1995); arXiv:hep-th/9507012.