訪 談 者 梅哲(Barry Mazur)
作者簡介 梅哲為美國數學家,1959
conjecture),後受格羅騰迪克影響,轉往代數數論領域,成為該領域的領導人之一。他在2013 年獲頒美國國家科學獎章。
譯 者 趙學信
譯者簡介 趙學信,網路工程師,兼事翻譯寫作。
本文出處 本文曾以演講的形式在2012 年1 月5 日的AMS-MAA 聯合會議上宣讀。後收於The Mathematical Intelligencer 36(2014)No.1。
- Pólya, George Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning: Vol. I: Induction and Analogy in Mathematics , Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning: Volume II: Patterns of Plausible Inference( 1954), Princeton University Press。本書重印多次。臺灣可見譯本有《數學與可信推理 》(林聰源譯),曉園;《數學與似真推理》(簡體,楊迅文等譯),福建人民出版社;《數學與猜想》兩冊(李心燦等譯),臺版:九章、陸版:科學出版社。
- 作者在哈佛大學的網站內除了數學論文外,還有許多科普性或人文性的討論文章。http://www.math.harvard.edu/~mazur/index.html
- Derbyshire, John Prime Obsession - Bernhard Riemann and the Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics( 2004)。中譯成兩本《質數魔力(上)(下)》(2005),陳可崗譯,天下文化。想理解黎曼假說,這是一本可讀性很高的科普書。
[ABC] The web is an excellent source for information about this, constantly updated. See for example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abc_conjecture and http://www.math.unicaen.fr/*nitaj/abc.html.
[QP] Archimedes, The Quadrature of the Parabola. See pp.233–252 of
Archimedes’ Collected Works, (Eng. transl.: T.L. Heath) Cambridge
University Press (1897). These pages have also been scanned on the web:
[AR] Bektemirov, B., Mazur, B., Stein, W., Watkins, M., Average ranks
of elliptic curves: Tension between data and conjecture, Bulletin of
the American Mathematical Society 44 (2007), 233–254.
[C-L] Cohen, H., Lenstra, H.W., Heuristics on class groups of number
fields, pp. 33–62 in Lecture Notes in Math. 1068 Springer (1984); see
also https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/bitstream/handle/1887/2137/346_069.pdf?sequence=1.
[C1] Connelly, R., A counter-example to the rigidity conjecture for polyhedra, Publ. Math. IHES 47 (1978), 333–338.
[C2] Connelly, R., The rigidity of polyhedral surfaces, Math. Mag. 52 (1979), 275–283.
[CK] Cox, D., Katz, S., Mirror Symmetry and Algebraic Geometry,
Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 68 A.M.S. Publications (1991).
[G] Gelbart, S., An elementary introduction to the Langlands Program, Bulletin of the A.M.S. 10 (1984), 177–219.
[FME] Mazur, B., Finding meaning in error terms, Bulletin of the A.M.S. 45 (2008), 185–228.
[MPR] Pólya, G., Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning, Volume
1:Induction and Analogy in Mathematics, Princeton University Press
(1956); Volume II Patterns of Plausible Inference, Princeton University
Press (1968).