



作        者 陳省身

作者簡介 陳省身(Shiing Shen Chern,1911 年10 月28 日~2004 年12 月3 日),生於浙江嘉興秀水縣,美籍華裔數學大師,第一屆中央研究院院士,同時是法國科學院、義大利國家科學院、英國皇家學會和中國科學院的外籍院士。他是 20 世紀最偉大的幾何學家之一,也是最有影響力的數學家之一。於1982 年在伯克萊大學退休後,建立了美國國家數學科學研究所(MSRI)。1984 年獲頒沃爾夫數學獎,是第一位得到沃爾夫獎的華裔數學家。國際數學聯盟(IMU)為了紀念陳省身的卓越貢獻,在2014 年還特別設立了陳省身獎(Chern Medal)作為國際數學界最高級別的終身成就獎,這是第一個以華人為名的國際數學重要獎項。

譯  者 尤承業

譯者簡介 尤承業是北京大學數學教授。

本文出處  本文是依據作者於1978 年4 月27 日在柏克萊大學「教授會研究報告」(Faculty Research Lecture)的文稿預印本翻譯,刊登於《自然雜誌》第2 卷(1979 年)第8 期。本刊感謝《自然雜誌》授權同意轉載。文稿是“From Triangles to Manifolds”, The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 86, No. 5 (May, 1979), pp. 339-349。


[1] O. Veblen and J. H. C. Whitehead, Foundations of Differential Geometry, Cambridge, England, 1932, p. 17.

[2] Elie Cartan, Le rôle de la théorie des groupes de Lie dans l’évolution de la géométrie moderne, Congrès Inter. Math., Oslo, 1936, Tome I, p. 96.

[3] George D. Birkhoff, Fifty years of American mathematics, Semicentennial Addresses of Amer. Math. Soc., 1938, p. 307.

[4] A. Weil, S. S. Chern as friend and geometer, Chern, Selected Papers, Springer Verlag, New York, 1978, p. xii.

[5] H. Whitney, On regular closed curves in the plane, Comp. Math. 4 (1937) 276-284.

[6] William F. Pohl and George W. Roberts, Topological considerations in the theory of replication of DNA, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 6 (1978) 383-386, 402.

[7] James H. White, Self-linking and the Gauss integral in higher dimensions, American J. of Math., 91 (1969), 693-728; B. Fuller, The writhing number of a space curve, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 68 (1971) 815-819; F. Crick, Linking numbers and nucleosomes, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 73 (1976) 2639-2643.

[8] S. Smale, A classification of immersions of the two-sphere, Transactions AMS, 90 (1959) 281-290; cf. also A. Phillips, Turning a surface inside out, Scientific American, 214 (May 1966) 112-120. A film of the process, by N. L. Max, is distributed by Intermational Film Bureau, Chicago, Ill.

[9] H. Weyl, Philosophy of Mathematics and Science, 1949, p. 90.

[10] A. Einstein, Library of Living Philosophers, vol. 1, p. 67.

[11] J. Hadamard, Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field, Princeton, 1945, p. 115.

[12] R. Godement, Topologie algébrique et theorie des faisceaux, Hermann, Paris, 1958.

[13] S. Chern, Geometry of characteristic classes, Proc. 13th Biennial Sem. Canadian Math. Congress, 1-40 (1972).

[14] S. T. Yau, The role of partial differential equations in differential geometry, Int. Congress of Math., Helsinki, 1978.

[15] C. N. Yang, Magnetic monopoles, fiber bundles, and gauge fields, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 294 (1977) 86-97.

[16] E. Wigner, The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences, Communications on Pure and Applied Math., 13 (1960) 1-14.

[17] W. Thurston, Geometry and topology in dimension three, Int. Congress of Math., Helsinki, 1978