翁志文演講的 powerpoint

2023/7/12, 花蓮, A matrix realization of spectral bounds, 2023年圖論與組合數學國際研討會暨第十二屆海峽兩岸圖論與組合數學研討會, 東華大學, 2023/7/10-13

2022/1/26, 中研院, Sharp bounds of  the $A_\alpha$-spectral radius of mixed trees, Workshop on Algebraic Combinatorics-Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica,  2022/1/24-26

2021/1/18, 21, 理論中心, An Introduction to Hamiltonian Graph Theory, NCTS Winter School-Six Aspects of Combinatorial Mathematics, 台北, 2021/1/18-22   (Exercise)  (Solution)

2019/11/17, Varanasi, India, Hamiltonian and 1-tough properties in Cartesian product graphs, Sixth India Taiwan Conference on Discrete Mathematics (6th-ITCDM 2019, IIT (BHU) Varanasi, Inida, 2019/11/15-18)

2019/6/21, 中山大學, On degrees and average 2-degrees in graphs, International Conference on Graph Theory, Combinatorics and Applications, June 17-21, 2019 

2019/2/23, 中研院, The largest real eigenvalues of nonnegative matrices  by applying Kelmans transformations, 2019 Taipei International Workshop on  Combinatorics and Graph Theory, 2019/2/20-23

2018/9/11, Van, Turkey, A conjecture on the spectral radius of a bipartite graph, 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 2018/9/11-13, Van Yüzüncü Yıl University),  (行程  摘 要集  團體照 )    

2018/8/3, 中研院, On bipartite graphs analog of the Brualdi-Hoffman conjecture, 2018 組合與圖論研討會, 2018/8/2-4

2017/7/19, 淡江大學, Spectral bounds obtained by reweighting entries in a row of a nonnegative matrix, 5th ITCDM 2017, 2017/7/18-21

2015/12/10, 交大, An extending result on spectral radius of bipartite graphs,  2015 Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory and Its Applications, 2015/12/9-10

2015/7/16, Pondicherry India, Degree Pairs of a Graph, International Conference on Graph Theory and its Application, 2015/7/15-16

2015/7/11, Chennai India, Quasi-spectral characterizations of graphs, The Fourth India-Taiwan Conference on Discrete Mathematics, July 10-13, 2015

2015/6/30, 高雄, The degree pairs of a graph, 2015 年圖論與組合學國際研討會暨第八屆海峽兩岸圖論與組合學研討會, 6/27-30, (相片)

2013/12/7, 高雄, Spectral Radius and Degree Sequence of a Bipartite Graph, 2013 年數學年會, 中山大學, 12/6-8

2013/8/19, 高雄, Spectral Graph Theory and Its Applications, 2013 組合新苗研討會, 高雄師範大學, 8/10-11, 2013,     (相片)

2013/7/12, 交大, Spectral characterization of graphs, 2013 International Conference on Combinatorics, 7/11-12, 2013,     (相片)

2013/6/28, 長沙, Spectral characterization of graphs, 第七屆海峽兩岸圖論與組合會議, 湖南師範大學, 6/28-30, 2013

2013/5/11, 高雄, A characterization of bipartite distance-regular graphs, 2013 南區組合數學研討會, 中山大學, 2013, 5/11

2012/8/19,  上海, A few inequalities related to spectral excess theorem, 2012 Shanghai Conference on Algebraic Combinatorics, 上海, 8/17-22, 2012

2011/12/17, 高雄, Inequalities Related to Spectral Graph Theory, 編碼相關理論及其應用研討會(2011)-19, 義守大學, 2011/12/17-18

2011/9/10, 孔巴托, The spectral excess theorem for general graphs, SECOND INDIA-TAIWAN CONFERENCE ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, Coimbatore, September 8-11, 2011   (EXTENDED ABSTRACTS)

2011/6/29, 新竹, D-bounded property in a distance-regular graphs, 第六屆海峽兩岸圖論與組合學研討會, 交通大學, 2011, 6/27-30 (相 片)

2011/5/20, 台北, Reeder's puzzle on a tree, The International Conference on Designs, Matrices and Enumerative Combinatorics, 中研院, 2011, 5/19-22

2010/8/7, 台北, Lit-only -game and its dual game on a graph, 2010 組合數學新苗研討會, 台大 2010, 8/7-8

2010/7/12., 慶州, Pooling designs with d-disjunct property and block weight d + 1, ALGEBRAIC AND GEOMETRIC COMBINATORICS CONFERENCE 2010, Concorde Hotel,Gyeongju, South Korea, (Photo)

2009/12/6, 中正大學, Pooling design and its construction, 2009 年數學學術研討會暨中華民國數學會年會, 2009/12/4-6 

2009/11/10 ,  台灣大學, D-bounded distance-regular graphs,  摘要,    India-Taiwan Conference on Discrete Mathematics, 2009/11/9-12 

2009/7/30, 南開大學, The Lit-Only Sigma Game on a Simple Graph ,  2009 年图论与组合学国 际学术会议暨第五届海峡两岸图论与组合学学术会议 (2009年7月29日至八月一日)

2009/7/28. 北京師大, Nontrivial Pooling Designs, 2009/7/24-28 順道訪問北京師大王愷順教授 (相片)

2009/2/10, 釜山, The flipping puzzle on a simple graph, Korea-Japan Workshop on Algebra and Combinatorics

2009/2/11-13, 浦項, The D-bounded Property on a Distance-regular Graph with a1=0, a2\not=0,   順道訪問 POSTECH

2008/8/20, Oisterwijk, The flipping puzzle on a graph, Geometric and Algebraic Combinatorics 4, Oisterwijk, The Netherlands, August 17-August 22, 2008

2007/6/27 台大 Regular Graphs with Four eigenvalues, 2007年圖論與組合學國際研討會暨第四屆海峽兩岸圖 論與組合學研 討會(2007年6月24至29日) 

2007/6/7 橫濱  Construct pooling designs from Hermitian forms graphs (相片) , International Workshop on Combinatorics 2007, Keio University Yagami Campus (June 6-8), Kyoto University Yoshida Campus(June 10-14), Japan

2006/12/10 台北 The q-analogue problems in different aspects, 2006 Mathmematical Meeting and Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Society of ROC

2006/6/26 仙台 Triangle-free Distance-regular Graphs, Algebraic Combinatorics, An International Conference in Honor of Eiichi Bannai's 60th Birthday

2005/6/28 金華 More Examples of Pooling Spaces, 2005 年圖論與組合學國際學術會議季第三屆海峽兩岸圖論與組合學術會議, 金華, 中國 26-30, 2005 

2004/7/21 釜山 Bidiagonal Triples and the quantum group U_q(sl_2) , 2004 Com2MaC Conference on Association Schemes, Codes and Designs, Pusan, Korea: July 19-23, 2004

